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  • Shaun Hope

Early reflections

Reflecting on the first week of the year, lots of catch up with existing clients and new clients coming on board. Overall…most people are feeling overwhelmed…and that’s fine!

  1. Give yourself a break - there’s a reason the couch to 5k is so successful. It builds it up step by step (literally) not by jumping off the couch and smashing a 5k on the 2st of Jan

  2. Success or failure is linked to the reality v expectation scenario - Reality meets your expectation = success, reality fails to meet your expectation = failure. Adjust your expectation. This doesn’t mean take the easy way out but be realistic, just started the gym? You won’t have that six pack by the end of the year. Picked up a book? You won’t read it in a day!

  3. Vision brings decision - so visualise what that success looks like to you. Put reminders all around your environment that reminds you…it’ll trigger the right decision more times than not.

  4. Take one thing at a time - I’ve seen 10 page goal setting plans this week. The time it takes to read it could’ve been spent working towards your goal. So choose one thing at a time and…

  5. First things first - if you had to strip everything back to just one change/one goal you were going for, what would it be? Just focus on that for now. Make it more likely to be achievable by…

  6. Break it down - take your goal and break it down to checkpoint goals (maybe monthly/weekly targets). Then break that down to the specific actions you can do that will help you achieve it. But how do we make those happen?

  7. Habit stack - look at your life, what do you do habitually? Find those and add a new task on top and it’ll soon be a habit. Sit in the same place with your morning brew? Place the book you want to read right there. Or, whilst the kettle is boiling press up to failure. Do that everyday and your volume will steadily increase.

  8. Celebrate your successes by delaying gratification - earn that beer at the end of week by seeing it as a reward when you complete your weekly tasks. You can scale that up. Hit target weight and reward yourself with new clothes. Make that financial target and reward yourself with a weekend away. You get the point!

So a week into the new year, whether or not you’re feeling overwhelmed you will find some benefit to 1 or more of the points above.

Interested in more? I’ll be running an online seminar later in the month - keep your eyes peeled for the invite coming out.

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